当心弧光Caution, arc
当心塌方Caution, collapse
当心坠落Caution, drop down
当心落物Caution, falling objects
当心裂变物质Caution, fission matter
当心吊物Caution, hanging
当心坑洞Caution, hole
当心感染Caution, infection
当心电离辐射Caution, ionizing radiation
当心激光Caution, laser
当心机械扎伤Caution, mechanical injury
当心微波Caution, microwave
当心冒顶Caution, roof fall
当心烫伤Caution, scald
当心扎脚Caution, splinter
当心绊倒Caution, stumbling
当心火车Caution, train
当心车辆Caution, vehicle 可动火区Flare up region
必须戴防尘口罩Must ware dust proof mask
必须戴防毒面具Must ware gas defence mask
必须戴护耳器Must ware ear protector
必须穿救生衣Must ware life jacket
必须戴安全帽Must ware safety helmet
必须戴防护帽Must ware protective cap
必须穿防护服Must ware protective clothes
必须戴防护手套Must ware protective gloves
必须戴防护镜Must ware protective goggles
必须穿防护鞋Must ware protective shoes[芜湖标牌 http://www.st008.com]
禁止烟火No burning
禁止攀登No climbing
禁止饮用No drinking
禁止放易燃物No laying inflammable thing
禁止靠近No nearing
禁止穿化纤服No putting on chemical fibre clothing
禁戴手套No putting on gloves
禁止穿带钉鞋No putting on spikes
禁止乘人No riding
禁止启动No starting
禁止跨越No striding
禁止合闸No switching on
禁止抛物No tossing
禁止用水灭火No watering to put out the fire
转基因食品GE Food
用水请踩踏板 Press the pedal on the floor.